La delicatezza di un fiore si scontra con la forza del corpo maschile in questo shooting apparso precedentemente su Toh! Magazine N. 29

Fotografia di Julien Casas, stile di Mauro Biasiotto per Toh Magazine
I haven’t got a clue if you’re the one
but I like you
and I like how you make me feel
I wanna do this right
don’t wanna waste this night
but I’m drowning
drowning in your love
Bring me flowers
hand talk for hours
and I like you
and I like how you make me feel
kiss my face
your warm embrace
and I like you
and I like how you make me feel
I’m a little scared to hold you closer
cause I just might never ever let you go
caught up in your smile
I’m happy as a child
but I’m still drowning
drowning in your love
tBring me flowers
talk for hours
and I like how you make me feel
kiss my face
your warm embrace
fand I like you
gand I like how you make me feel
Your heart cares for nothing in return
and I’m just taking
taking you in
caught up in your smile
I’m happy as a child
but I’m still drowning
drowning in your love